Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel


Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel is a platform to summaries and collect data and present it one singular place. If you are managing a project you must give a thought to use a project management dashboard. There are Agile project management methods and also work breakdown structure and these Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel are essential part of all these project management tools and methods. It is one of the most effective way of handling and analyzing your project related data at a singular place at a time.

Introduction to Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are crucial for measuring the success of business operations and strategies. Excel, renowned for its flexibility and power, is an excellent tool for creating comprehensive KPI dashboards that provide real-time insights into organizational performance.

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In this article we will shed some light on what a project management KPI Template dashboard and what is its significance in the field of project management.

  1. Variety of KPI Template with Dashboard
  2. MS Excel format based with PPT slides
  3. Multiple company department KPI for different project managers
  4. Mac Supported XLX files

What are the different categories of KPI project management dashboard?


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Features of Ultimate Dashboard Template

A KPI project management dashboard allows the project manager to be at the top of the game.  As it allows the mangers to see the most aspect of the project in a glace at a time in single place. This dashboard will helps in financial planning of the projects as well as resource management. That is the reason KPI project management dashboard is widely used tool and is very popular and know to be most reliable in the project management industry.

Download: Inventory Management Software in Excel


Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel maximizes the performance of your project to many folds.  It also has an amazing option to show the data in graphical form to make in analyze more easily and straightforwardly. One of its main feature is Project Portfolio Dashboard that gives you big picture of every project that you are working in The KPI project management dashboard is easy, user friendly and quite informal to work with, you do not need any extra training to handle this tool.

The KPI project management dashboard is available in quite different formats but the most frequently used and popular one is the excel format.

Download: Multiple Project Tracking Template Excel


The benefits list of KPI project management dashboards is endless but here we will highlight the most important of them.

  1. Firstly, the most initial advantage is that it is an accurate and most suitable way of measuring and analyzing business performance.
  2. Secondly, it is a way to pinpoint and find out any issues or probable errors which can be quite problematic in future.
  3. After that it allows you to help in making fruitful and on time decisions for the betterment of your project progress and development.
  4. It allows you to work with most important and relevant data to work with.
  5. By this tool you can set goals and make strategies and plans to make them achievable proficiently.
  6. The KPI Dashboard also helps you to make batter and imperative steps towards the betterment of your project
  7. Consequently, it is significant that the project executives should give a high rank importance to this tool when managing a project to make your project goals easily attainable.

Format of Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel

Creating an Ultimate Dashboard KPI (Key Performance Indicator) Template in Excel involves designing a layout that effectively presents critical metrics and performance indicators. Here’s a suggested format for such a template:

  1. Title and Date Range:
    • At the top of the dashboard, include a title that clearly indicates the purpose of the dashboard.
    • Below the title, specify the date range for which the KPIs are being measured.
  2. Key Metrics Section:
    • Create a section for key metrics, listing each KPI along with its corresponding value.
    • You can use columns to display the KPI name, current value, target value, and variance (difference between current and target).
    • Consider using conditional formatting to highlight values that exceed or fall below the target.
  3. Graphical Representation:
    • Include graphical representations of the key metrics to provide a quick visual overview of performance.
    • Bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, or gauges can be used depending on the nature of the KPIs.
    • Ensure that the visuals are clear and easy to interpret.
  4. Trend Analysis:
    • Incorporate a section for trend analysis, showing how each KPI has performed over time.
    • Line graphs or sparklines can be used to visualize trends.
    • Include annotations or labels to indicate significant events or changes affecting the metrics.
  5. Performance Summary:
    • Provide a summary of overall performance, highlighting achievements, areas for improvement, and any actionable insights.
    • This section can include textual analysis or commentary to provide context to the numbers.
  6. Additional Insights:
    • Reserve space for additional insights or supplementary information that may help in understanding the KPIs better.
    • This could include commentary on specific trends, comparisons with benchmarks or industry standards, or explanations for unusual fluctuations.
  7. Interactive Features (Optional):
    • Depending on your proficiency with Excel, you may consider adding interactive features such as drop-down menus or slicers to allow users to filter data based on specific criteria.
    • Interactive charts or graphs can also enhance user engagement and enable deeper exploration of the data.
  8. Formatting and Layout:
    • Pay attention to formatting and layout to ensure that the dashboard is visually appealing and easy to navigate.
    • Use consistent formatting for headings, text, and numerical values.
    • Group related sections together and use borders or shading to differentiate between them.
  9. Documentation and Instructions:
    • Provide documentation or instructions on how to use the dashboard effectively.
    • Include details on data sources, update frequency, and any assumptions or limitations associated with the KPIs.
  10. Testing and Validation:
  • Before finalizing the dashboard, thoroughly test it to ensure accuracy and functionality.
  • Validate the data against reliable sources and verify calculations to avoid errors.

Key Features of Ultimate Dashboard

Some key features of Ultimate KPI Dashboard are:

  • Interactive and Real Time data

Modern KPI dashboard are connected with database and providing real time data that helps in fast and efficient decision making

  • Interdepartmental communication

These Dashboard provide all important information in same window to all departments that helps in interdepartmental communication, if complete and same information available for all departments.

  • Simplifies processes

Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel simplifies all the process in project management by providing specific and analytical important information and  it’s also reduces extra information

  • Project Reporting

Reporting is one of the main part of project management and KPI dashboard is the most efficient way to report progress of any specific project or over all company situation.


As we have discussed that KPI dashboards play a very important role in the betterment of the project now let us discuss some of its categories.

Construction KPI template excel

It is never an easy task to manage and handle a construction project. As in a construction project there are so many factors we must keep a dare eye on. For, instance the construction includes the management of money and resources which can go out of control very easily when they are not handled properly. There is required a high-quality management and care to manage a construction a project

In this regard professional construction mangers always go for helpful tools to handle the project. The most frequently used tool in the field of construction is Construction KPI template excel and main KPI’s of this template are

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  1. Expanse

Expanse is one of the main KPI of construction project. It can be measure in following further KPI’s.

  • cost of procurement
  • cost of labor
  • cost of marketing,
  • cost per km/mil

You can calculate these KPI’s in measures like actual vs budgeted and can compare it with previous year.

  1. Productivity

Productivity is also very important KPI for any construction project and can be measure in following KPI’s

  • Wastage or recycling job
  • Percentage of equipment down time
  • Percentage of labor down time
  • Average revenue per hour worked

Productivity can be measure on monthly and cumulative basis

  1. Inventory

This is also very important KPI to keep track on any construction project

  • Site inspection conducted
  • Material defect
  • Design defect
  • Defect due to workmanship
Download Inventory Management Template

 Sales KPI Template

The Sales Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel is a tool used by the project manages to see the sales activity in the project. You can also evaluate the quality and quantity of sales work by using this amazing sales management template.

This is helpful in maximizing the performance and make aids in making changes for the betterment of sales. Therefore, it also provides the clear picture of the sales data to help you see the performance and allows you to see where you stand in the sales market.

Having a proper tool makes a difference and allows you to give batter results specially in sales industry. There is a lot of competition in the sales market, so in this situation to make your business stand out the best option is to use a proper tool to help you attain your goal.

With the help of sales Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel you can give tough time to your competitors and make you and your project stand out in the sales industry. Following are the main KPI’s of sales KPI Dashboard

  1. Sales revenue
  2. Targeted vs actual sales
  3. Demographic sales
  4. Top sales persons
  5. Top sale areas


Download Sales KPI’s Template 

Employee Performance KPI Template Excel

Managing employee’s performance and find honest and hardworking team is one of key goal of any company. These are the main KPI’s to measure employee performance

  1. Attitude towards work
  2. Work outcome percentage
  3. Self-improvement
  4. Percentage contribution
Download Employee Performance KPI Template

Production Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel

In case of production of manufacturing KPI dashboard, you must keep in eye these requirements. Every production project KPI is different, based on project demand. Following are some basic or standards production KPI based template.

  1. Active Inventory Unit
  2. Sales Revenue
  3. Total Production Unit

For custom production KPI, you can request Projects124.net

Maintenance Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel

Make sure during creating maintenance KPI following are some standard dashboard KPI for Addition in template of excel.

  1. Work order Released
  2. Schedule Vs completed work
  3. Work completion
  4. Work Monitor
  5. Released Word Order
  6. Assets with most work order
  7. Past Due operations

Procurement KPI Template

Procurement is a part of HR, so if you are looking procurement KPI dashboard, then you have to contact us. We have some special sort of Procurement KPI, so request us for download.

Advanced Excel Techniques for Dashboarding

Incorporating PivotTables and Charts

PivotTables and Pivot Charts are powerful tools for summarizing, analyzing, and presenting data. Use them to create interactive and customizable views of your KPIs.

Automating Data Refresh and Updates

Implementing automation in your dashboard can save time and reduce errors. Excel’s Power Query and macros can automate data collection and refresh, ensuring your Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel remains current.

Integrating External Data into Your Dashboard

Linking to Databases and Online Data Sources

For a comprehensive view of performance, you may need to integrate external data sources into your Excel dashboard. Excel’s capabilities allow for seamless integration of data from various sources, enhancing the depth and breadth of insights.

Using Power Query for Data Integration

Power Query is an Excel tool for data connection, transformation, and integration. Use it to fetch and process data from external databases, web pages, and cloud services directly into your Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel.


Future Trends in Dashboard and KPI Tracking

Stay informed about emerging technologies, such as AI and machine learning, which are set to revolutionize dashboarding and KPI tracking. These advancements promise enhanced predictive analytics, automation, and data integration capabilities.

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Ultimate Dashboard KPI Template Excel has been known and is popular for their considerably high impact and good contribution in the field of project managing.

Thus, it is crucial that you must give it a go when you plan on managing and executing a project. You will surely see a different and will be able to get batter results in the end.

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