Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel


A Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel is a visual representation of a project that is hierarchical and deliverable-oriented (fall apart project into small manageable sections) in nature. You can examine the needed time and resources by allotting these deliverables.

What is Work Breakdown Structure?

As project manager you can take it as roadmap of complicated projects that may having the several stages or linked project squads.

Work breakdown structure serves you by broken them down into small deliverables or sub-deliverables to illuminate the all needed circumstances to attain each element of your project.

Work break down structure is also use in Agile Project Management Tool and Open Source Project Management Tool.

Understanding Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Before we dive into the specifics of the Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel, it’s crucial to grasp what a Work Breakdown Structure is. Essentially, a WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of a project into smaller components, making it easier to manage, estimate, and allocate resources. It serves as a bridge between project objectives and the work required to achieve them.

Benefits of Using a WBS:

  • Enhanced Clarity: Breaks down complex projects into manageable tasks.
  • Improved Planning: Facilitates better estimation of time, cost, and resources.
  • Increased Accountability: Assigns specific tasks to team members, enhancing responsibility.
  • Risk Management: Identifies potential risks at each level of the project.

Excel as a Platform for WBS Template

Microsoft Excel, with its versatile features, serves as an excellent platform for creating a WBS template. Its widespread availability, ease of use, and robust functionality make it an ideal choice for project managers.

Key Features of Excel for WBS:

  • Customizable Templates: Excel allows for the customization of WBS templates to fit specific project needs.
  • Formula Integration: Automates calculations related to time, cost, and resource allocation.
  • Collaboration Tools: Excel’s sharing features enable team collaboration in real-time.
  • Visual Representation: Offers charting tools to visually represent the structure and progress of the project.

Creating a WBS Template in Excel

Creating a WBS template in Excel involves a series of steps designed to outline and organize your project effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Open a New Excel Workbook: Start by launching Microsoft Excel and opening a new workbook.
  2. Define the Project Goal: At the top of the worksheet, clearly define the overall project goal.
  3. Create the Hierarchical Structure: Use the cells to create a tree structure that represents the breakdown of your project into phases, deliverables, and tasks.
  4. Assign IDs to Each Task: This aids in tracking and referencing specific components of the project.
  5. Estimate Time and Resources: For each task, use adjacent columns to estimate the required time and resources.
  6. Utilize Formulas: Implement Excel formulas to automate the calculations of totals and subtotals.
  7. Incorporate Visuals: Use Excel’s charting tools to create visual representations of the WBS, such as a Gantt chart.

Characteristics of a Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel


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Respectively juncture of WBS delineate advanced and gradually exhaustive explanation require pieces of task to be done to finalize the project; so that it can be called “WBS” because WBS has following assertive characteristics:

  • Hierarchy

WBS is constructed in hierarchical nature; every level of hierarchy has its parent task element to complete; it is considered to complete when multiple child task elements are completed within parent element task.

It is mandatory to frame the form of hierarchy with exact pen in which parent level must have more than one child elements.

  • Segregation

Here segregate means particular elements at specific level in a WBS are congruous and consistent that suggested there is no thesaurus or reproduction of working or deliverables is occurring or inadequate transmission toward related individuals.

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  • Score Oriented

Result of work or deliverables should be the main center of attention of Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel. It succored to make work complete in fast and relatively manners. Being decisive it illustrated that what it needs to get things done on time and schedule.

  • Use Nouns, not Verbs

Individuals who are starting to create or learn Work breakdown Structure Template Excel will show the inappropriate response based on misinterpretation of this platform. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the element of every level of WBS via nouns, not verbs.

  • Focus on Outcomes instead Actions

A perfect deliberated WBS express the planning for outcomes instead of actions. Well develop WBS makes easy to assign the elements of WBS to any project activity. Well, outcomes indicated to predict the final turns out like product, result or services while actions may be seemed hazy to predict accurately.

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How do you create a work breakdown structure in Excel?

Work Breakdown Structure

Here are step by step guidelines to create WBS structure in excel

  1. Perceive the Phases for Deliverables

Project management life cycle is generally divided into four phases of Planning, Build-up, execution and clos-out respectively. These all are consisted on different related tasks that serviced to move toward final deliverables across Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel.

To keep your project organized and on track form initiation to end it is mandatory to make up the path through these phases for final deliverables and successful completion.

  1. Develop WBS Dictionary

The WBS dictionary is a document that provides information about deliverables and scheduling of each component with qualities, quantities, and Project scope.

It helps each member of project team to understand each element. WBS dictionary can significantly enhance the transparency of complex projects by creating multiple clear detailed contents to validate the 100% rule.

  1. Utilize the Right Configuration

Next interesting step is to create the WBS, Format is the way in which you arrange a specific thing. There are several set-ups for the WBS you can implement; but the manageable way to create WBS is text-based hierarchical groupings.

To highlight the level of each element you can utilize the numbers and decimal points. After creating the work breakdown structure allow your team members to go through with it and get high-level abstract progress of project.

  1. List and Track the Formal Cluster of Tasks

Tracking tasks is somewhat checking performance of project whether it working as planned or not. Tracking let you know the importance and description of every task also subtasks and these priority, cost consuming, current status, completion duration etc.

Subtasks are part of lengthy or complicated tasks. To execute every task or subtask properly select an owner from you team members and make them responsible to run through and completion of task clearly.

  1. Determine Resources and Expenses

Resources can be anything that help you to complete your tasks linked with project including team, materials, instruments and project expanse tracking resources are absorbing are two compulsory things to figure out Work Breakdown structure Template.

Effective financial planning in project management according to resources and other monetary materials may lead you to remain within the budget of project. You can integrate with cost control system by comparing the actual costs with the budget.

  1. Trigger Ultimate Statement

To get an overview of all items, progress, costs of your project is done by using reporting tool that generate a report on you WBS. This project closure report tells you the overall health of you project, milestones you retrieved, executive summary of data. For helpful information and feedback, you can share it to your team members, stakeholders and customers.

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How to Create a WBS in Project Management

Best way to define scope of your project and organize it is to use Work Breakdown Structure Template Excel. the most efficient way to apply work break down structure in your project is to use Gantt chart.

Following are some main points need to keep in mind when creating work break down structure of any project

  • Identify Project Deliverables
  • list down all the mile stones
  • list down all Tasks and Subtasks and Set Task Owner
  • Link Dependencies
  • Manage resources (RACI Matrix Template)
  • identify the cost of the project
  • Define complete time period, end date and Complete date
  • Track progress of each task, mile stone and resource
  • Generate detail reporting of the project

Illustrations of Work Breakdown Structure

Each second project can be adopted divergent way of work breakdown structure and same WBS is absolutely not suitable to every project. So as a project manager you can enforced the unique WBS according to hierarchy of your project and your teams whether they are internal or external.

To figure out your WBS you can select any one of them from given blueprints of WBS:

  • WBS Spreadsheet – You can construct your WBS competently in spreadsheet. Putting and calculating the tasks or deliverables in cells of corresponding rows and columns.
  • WBS Flowchart – You can frame you WBS in shaped or pictorial form that represent different steps involved in a project from start to end. Utilization of predefined templates in MS Excel is needed to use the flowchart.
  • WBS List – Sorting list of tasks and subtasks or deliverables in sequential rows is the quite simple scheme to make a WBS.
  • WBS Gant Chart – By structuring a WBS in Gant chart to plan and schedule the project of complex project that may varied in sizes.

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Advanced Tips for Leveraging Excel WBS Template

To further enhance your WBS template in Excel, consider the following advanced tips:

  • Conditional Formatting: Use conditional formatting to highlight tasks based on their status, priority, or due dates.
  • Data Validation: Implement data validation rules to ensure consistency and accuracy of the information entered.
  • Macro Integration: For repetitive tasks, create macros to automate updates and calculations.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Excel can be integrated with other project management tools for enhanced functionality.

You can check project status and progress at a glance with the help of bar chart.

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