Project Risk Register Template


 What is a risk register?

Project Risk Register Template is a document or template that identified potential setbacks or risks related to the project you are working in. Pre identification of risk and possible setbacks  is key factor in project management that increases the importance of risk register document.

Looking for risk register template for project management?

In this article, you can download project related risk management template relates to financial operational and business.

Risk Register in Project Management

Project Management is not as easy as it sounds. when you start work in any project first you need to identify potential risks for example during work breakdown structure you can identify risks in every stage. To attain the results, the team goes under several processes. Doing all the management homework on the paper is a tough ask.

  1. Risk register format example in IT and construction
  2. MS Excel 2007 to 2020
  3. Liquidity Risk & Reputation risk management register
  4. Download in XLS format & compatible to MAC

As everything is evolving so fast in the world, there are advancements in the method of project management as well. For this purpose different templates are introduced to get a firm grip on your project like Agile project management template

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Download Project Risk Register Template

Project Management Risk Register Template (EXCEL FEATURES)

One such tool is the Project Risk Register Template which keeps your projects on track. just like financial planning in project management, It helps you to stay updated about the potential risks that can take place. It can make any project a success as a risk register can be used in the initial planning stages of a project. And having a grip in the beginning definitely leads a project on the right road.

Following are some main features of Risk Register template:

  • Risk description
  • Possible impact
  • Risk level
  • Risk Owner

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How To Create Project Risk Register Template

Creating a project risk register template is crucial for identifying, assessing, and managing risks throughout the project lifecycle. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create one:

  1. Open a New Spreadsheet: Open a new Excel spreadsheet or any other spreadsheet software you prefer.
  2. Headers and Columns:
    • In the first row, create headers for the following columns:
      • Risk ID: Unique identifier for each risk.
      • Risk Description: Description of the risk event.
      • Probability: Likelihood of the risk occurring (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
      • Impact: The potential impact of the risk on the project objectives (e.g., Low, Medium, High).
      • Risk Score: A calculated score based on probability and impact.
      • Risk Category: Categorization of risks (e.g., Technical, Schedule, Financial).
      • Owner: Person responsible for managing the risk.
      • Mitigation Strategy: Actions to reduce the probability or impact of the risk.
      • Contingency Plan: Plan of action if the risk occurs.
      • Status: Current status of the risk (e.g., Open, Closed, Mitigated).
      • Notes: Additional comments or details about the risk.
  3. Data Entry:
    • Below the headers, start entering information for each risk identified in the project.
    • Assign a unique Risk ID to each risk for easy reference.
    • Describe each risk in detail, including its potential causes, consequences, and any relevant context.
    • Assess the probability and impact of each risk and assign appropriate ratings.
    • Calculate the Risk Score based on the assigned probability and impact ratings.
    • Categorize each risk according to its nature or impact on the project.
    • Assign an owner responsible for managing each risk.
    • Define mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood or impact of each risk.
    • Develop contingency plans to address each risk if it materializes.
    • Update the status of each risk as it progresses throughout the project lifecycle.
  4. Formatting and Customization:
    • Apply formatting to enhance readability and clarity, such as bold headers, color-coding, and borders.
    • Use conditional formatting to visually highlight risks based on their severity or status.
    • Customize the template to align with the specific needs and requirements of your project and organization.
  5. Review and Validation:
    • Review the risk register template to ensure completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
    • Validate the information entered in the register against project documentation, stakeholder input, and historical data.
    • Make any necessary revisions or updates based on feedback or changes in the project environment.
  6. Documentation and Distribution:
    • Document the process for updating and maintaining the risk register.
    • Distribute the risk register to relevant stakeholders and team members involved in risk management.
    • Communicate the importance of regularly reviewing and updating the risk register throughout the project lifecycle.
  7. Training and Familiarization:
    • Provide training or guidance on how to use the risk register template effectively.
    • Ensure that team members understand their roles and responsibilities regarding risk identification, assessment, and management.
  8. Regular Updates:
    • Encourage ongoing collaboration and communication to keep the risk register up-to-date.
    • Schedule regular reviews of the risk register to identify new risks, assess changes in existing risks, and update mitigation strategies and contingency plans accordingly.

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Importance of Risk Register Template

Whenever an individual or team starts working on a project, there are several brainstorming sessions done regarding Project implementation plan, project expanse tracking  and a few risks are identified which can be recorded in the risk register template. you need to track all these risks though out project life cycle and It will keep updating you about the barriers you may face.

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Project Risk Matrix

Risk Register matrix is a very power full tool to identify the probability of risk specially those risk  that can not be measured with exact numbers. it divides the risk in different categories depending on their impact and allows you to see the big picture of risk and issues and helps in decision making. Risk matrix is one of the main subject of the Project Risk Register Template.

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Types of Risk Register Template Examples

Knowing the hurdles beforehand will help you to look for better solutions or different frame of work to run a project smoothly. Risk Register Template leads you toward a solution-oriented approach.

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Risk Register Template Construction

Managing tasks and performance is much easier than management of risks in the case of a construction project. Switching duties in a team task according to personal outcomes is more convenient but taking risk into account puts much pressure on the team. Bringing risks down to zero is quite inevitable but being prepared for them will help you to withstand troublesome situations during that period of a project.

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Make some diligent team members in charge of the risk register spreadsheet, share it on drive or cloud so that if changes appear, they reach immediately to the rest of the members. If your team is good at using this tool, it will notably show up in your project management and performance exceptionally.

Contents of your risk register template may vary according to the subjectivity of the project you are working on.  But a few generalized ones are mentioned below;

  1. Firstly, you need to figure out the title of the risk.
  2. Then, add the description according to the title.
  3. Add probability of risk.
  4. Carefully look for the impact any risk can make to the performance.
  5. Next, add the possible severity and seriousness of any risk.
  6. Team members responsible for particular risks.
  7. Cost or timeline can be added for check and balance of requirement and demand (optional).
  8. Change in plan of action in respect to the above-mentioned details of the risk.


Risk Register Template IT

Frequent risk register assessment is very important, it will help you to pave your plan of action according to the score of risk occurring. Some common risks in a construction project are, unforeseen location conditions, short of supply, any injuries, also weather plays as a great risk in a construction project. It can drag your project timeline as well.

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How to Conduct Risk Analysis through Excel Template?

Conducting risk analysis through an excel template is not as difficult as it looks. Here are some steps that you can follow to easily pull off this time-saving tool.

  • The first step is to enter the data correctly in an excel spreadsheet. Design your spreadsheet by putting in the title, description, probability, impact, severity, and seriousness of a risk. Label your columns according to your set pattern in a risk register template.
  • Then you need to opt for the chart style according to your suitability. The most commonly used chart style for a construction project is a scatter chart with markers.
  • A blank chart will appear in a separate window. Now you need to synchronize the data by selecting your desired cells.
  • Now you can edit the X and Y axis title according to the selected data. Also, label the point marked on the scatter chart for more clarity. By using this chart you can plot multiple scatter charts for comparison.
  • Format your spreadsheet and scatter chart plot area in different colors for prominence.


Categorized of Risk Register Format

Following are some risk register format examples.

 Strategic Financial Risk Register

There are many financial risk in project management that need to be monitored during all phases of the project. Following are some important examples of strategic financial risk.

  1. Liquidity risk
  2. Funding risk
  3. Interest rate risk
  4. Foreign exchange risk
  5. Commodity price risk

Operational Risk Register Template

Operational risk can be occur on any level of the organization, it can be occur on business unit level or department level or even labor or customer management level. Some of the most important operational risk register are

  1. Interruption on business
  2. Product failure
  3. Health and safety
  4. Supplier level risk
  5. Internal and external fraud risk
  6. Litigation risk
  7. Failure of server or IT system

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